Friday, September 2, 2011

The Geltch boyzzzzzzzzz. Inspiring me.

The Geltch boyz are truly rockin, handsome, amazingly talented boyz. This past month each have had major achievements of their own. Firstly, Jye (as he is the oldest). Has spent the past 3 months rehearsing with a Worship band for QLD Baptist Womens Camps and Conferences. On the first weekend in August he packed his gear into the back of the car and mum and dad were his roadies. Alot of leads, guitar picks, spare strings, 2 electric guitars, 1 accoustic, music stand, 2 amps and other 'stuff'. It was a highlight of my 'mothering' of Jye to see him stand before 400 people playing his guitar. Jye could not play a song at the beginning of 2010, and here he is playing lead and alternating so 'cooly' between guitars. On the third weekend Jye and I went to Brisbane for an all day conference where he once again plaid guitar. Words really can not express the overwhelming emotion I had at watching him. He is a gifted musician and he will make it in the world of music! Jye qualified to compete in a Grade 8 inter school maths competition. Although he or his school did not achieve a place, he and his school team were not at all out of there league.
Jesse competed in Tournament of the Minds. The last 2 years he competed in Optiminds. Both these competitions are inter school team challenges which requite thinking creatively and working as a team. Through Jesse doing this he has displayed the traits of a great leader. His ability to see people abilities, involve everyone, listen to others ideas, and value every member of his team has been a joy to observe. Jesse also qualified to participate in the Coasts Language Speech competition, Jesse did a speech in Japanese. I sat in and listened and he did a superb job. His confidence and courage to do these things encourages me to step out and have confidence. Jesse produced a comic 'Little Ninja' which he made up a stall on the side of the road with a sign and he sold his comic for $1. He made $30. Again, speechless at his confidence to put himself out there and sell his work. Truly challenging to me. He is a creative, witty, intelligent kid. If you want a copy let me know.......
Josh was a part of Group Verse Speaking in the Sunshine Coast Esteidford. His group were all grade 2's, they had to recite 2 poems. I have to admit I had tears in my eyes watching Josh and his group. To see Josh standing in front of people reciting poetry, with dramtic effect full of confidence assures me that I am doing alright in raising boys that are confident to be and do what they desire. Of course I thought his group did a superb job! And they were up against grade 5 and 6ers and private schools. They were the biggest group of the youngest kids and they were awarded a Highly Commended, I was a very very joyful mummy. The past few weeks Josh has started to read chapter books which has been a huge step for him. We have been working hard with his schooling and it is paying off. He now loves to read.
This past month of sitting back and watching my boys and their personal achievements I have honestly been inspired and encouraged. They have each pursued these things of their own desire. Of course with the support of us, but not our decision of what they would do. They all have unique talents, creativity and intelligence that astounds me. If you know me, then you know I always say 'I'm not smart'. But my boys are and Mark is, they get it from Mark not me. But, as I think about their achievements and have a proud 'mum' moment or 100000000 I am challenged about my own dreams. What are the dreams that I have that I haven't pursued? What do I not have confidence or courage to step out and do? Because a fear of failure or what others might think. My boys would never have thought about these things. Why as adults do we limit ourselves? So often as a mum I am learning from my boys, learning how to be confident, courageous, creative, funny, smart and to step out. I am my boys no. 1 fan but honestly they cheer me on more then they would ever know.
As we prepare to return to Bali long term, the boyz and their needs is a priority. And schooling is a big issue. They will need to go to an International school, as both Jye and Jesse want to go to Univerisity in Australia. Jye wants to study music production. We need to make sure that their schooling enables them to gain entry into Univeristy in Australia. The cost of International schools is expensive, but not just the cost but finding the right one for them. Your prayers for this would be appreciated as we gather information on the options for schooling in Bali.


Ruby said...

refilGreat blog Melissa! you're boys are truly talented and inspiring. Will continue to pray with you re: Bali schooling options. X Ruby

Angelina Jane said...

I'll pray for the boys and their schooling too.