Monday, August 15, 2011

Blogging, 'Verb' people and an update.......????

So new to this whole blogging thing. But, I see it as a the new, hip and with it way of sending out the 'newsletter'. Being a mum of kids in this age means that they know more than me about technology and computers and they teach me. But this I have learnt all by myself! We want to keep you updated on our comings and goings and what God is doing. And that YOU would be encouraged and moved into action too, that you would see that ordinary, imperfect people can make a difference, if we are willing to be 'verb' people. Josh is learning grammar at school and having to learn all about verbs, nouns etc etc and I am trying to fit in a TESOL course and so we have been talking about what verbs are and a verb is a doing, being or having word. We need to be verbs, people that do, that act. The World needs 'verb' people. The World is full of hurting, lonely, hungry, dying, desperate people that need 'verb' people to do something, anything, the smallest of things is never small as one person is worth more than we can imagine. Right now, stop, think, what can you do right now for someone else?..........go on think. Now be a 'verb'. And do it. You have made a difference. Do it again tomorrow and the next day and the next and the next and get the idea. Thank you.
Back to an update on The Geltch Family. Mark is heading of to Bali on Sunday with a local sponsored skater, Jack Ward. They will be visiting skate spots and will be running a Skate Competition too. Mark will also be following up with the manufacturing of Sacrifice clothing and building relationships with shops that are stocking Sacrifice. Mark is taking a mammoth amount of Skate products that was sponsored by an anonymous donor to which we are so thankful to. Mark will be taking a stack of Skaters Bibles and Foolishness DVDs too. Mark is pumped for the skate comp and Jack is hanging to skate all the Bali skate spots. (do you like my attempt at the 'lingo' he he). Mark will also go and visit our friends in Prison. If you haven't already please please please go to and sign the petition for clemency for Andrew and Myuran from execution. Death does not bring justice and the death penalty for anyone, anywhere should not be in existence.
Mark has been working on artwork for a band Suicidal Tendencies, for an upcoming tour and Sacrifice is now stocked in 4 shops in Aus and 4 in Indonesia....woohoooooooooooo.
On friday Jye and me, leave Mark, Jesse and Josh again for the second time. Jye is apart of the She Is.... Worship team for the QLD Womens Baptist Womens Camps and Conferences. This weekend is the day conference in Brisbane. This has been an amazing time for Jye of his gift growing and shining for God. It has been a big commitment for Jye and working in a team and he has done an awesome job for a 13 year old. I have a small stall with beaded shawls and cushions made by women in prison in Bali selling for $20 with all the money going back into the Livelihood Project for women.
I have to do some work on the Livelihood Project in communicating it to people, getting it out there. One of the guys from YWAM, Derek is going to do a photo shoot of the shawls, so we can get the website done. I am taking it slowly, firstly, as I have been really ill and two, I want to get it right. It is about the women and their needs, so I want do it right for them. The Livelihood Project is a joint venture with the women and another Australian lady Virginia, who I am so thankful to work with, to know, to love and to grow with.
Until next time..............hooroooooo.